Live a totally healthy life!  

   © Holly Wheeler Enterprises

First Steps in Starting your Life Force Business.

•  Order Body Balance, our flagship product on Autoship. Preferably 8 quart, so that you can share with others. The cost is about $170 for the 8 pack, bringing the individual cost per bottle to about $21.25 per qt. If you sold 4 of these for $30 each, that would bring your investment to only $50 in the 4 quarts you kept for personal use. Have your prospect follow the ‘Recommended Wellness Program' to reach cellular saturation. This method is key. You will find most people will feel a difference in their health before the bottle is gone.

•  Plug into all Life Force Conference Calls: (212) 990-8000 ext. 2390# (schedule and times may change).

•  Fill out goal sheet and send to upline.

•  Meet your upline Platinum and Diamond leaders, either by phone, email or in person. Pick your personal mentor to learn from.

•  Order free business cards from Vista Print. http://www.vista.com .

•  Don't forget to also order labels to place on every piece of literature that you pass out.

•  Purchase prospecting literature, brochures, and tapes from the Life Force website at: http://www.lifeforce.net/ .

•  Familiarize yourself with the Life Force website at: http://www.lifeforce.net/ .

•  Record your prospecting product or business message on your answering machine/voice mail.

•  Set up your signature file on your email program, to advertise your opportunity.

•  Order a 2nd phone line. Add 3-way calling to your phone.

•  Mark all future business events on your personal calendar and make plans to attend.

•  Get with your upline and plan & host a home meeting, brunch or tasting.

•  Download FREE version of ContactPlus, Contact Manager. http://www.contactplus.com .

•  Install an Anti-Virus protection on your computer.

•  Set up your office-preferably on its own room.

•  Make a list of 6 persons that you know who have health challenges. Get email, address and phone #.

•  Make list of 6 persons you know who have wealth challenges. Get email, address and phone #.

•  Send list to your upline support and let them help you contact them. Do NOT contact them yourself!

•  Get email addresses and phone #'s of all your downline & prospects. Send to your upline support.

•  Check email twice per day, but no more. This may result in a time management problem.

•  Work on conversation skills and give out at least 3 tools each day to prospects you meet.

•  Get referrals from people you meet.

•  Read Kim Klaver's book “The Truth-What It Takes to Make It In Network Marketing”. Determine which Reaching out Methods you will use and practice. Then apply.

•  Familiarize yourself with the ‘Reference Materials' list on Holly's website.

•  Use tapes, tapes, tapes. They can say what you can't. Order from Jim at Audio Tapes at 904-388-8373, ‘PH Unlocking the Secret to Perfect Health' tape from 800-593-6273, Referral Marketing tapes at 888-307-7104 and the many wonderful tapes Life Force offers at 800-531-4877.

Daily Inspiration


How to take

Body Balance

Holly Wheeler's
Cell Saturation and Wellness Program
In 7 Step-by-Step
Email messages

Click here to begin

News and Events

01.01.05 - Recommended Wellness Program updated.
02.24.05 - Another news item here.