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Thank you for your interest in our 29 Point Screening Principles. Read them over and use them to quickly rate ANY home-based, network marketing program.
Our goal with these principles is to give you a powerful analysis tool, and to help you find companies where the part-time distributor has a reasonable chance at making net profit quickly, without expending a lot of their own money in the process. So the principles below are biased on behalf of the part-time person who is getting involved with a limited budget of both cash and time.
Our studies have shown us that your home-based distribution network will have a very consistent makeup: 90% of the commissionable volume will be produced by consumers who just use your product, and part-time distributors who introduce less than 20 people to the business. Here's the problem: typically less than 1% of the people in a given company earn over 90% of the available commissions! We call this a 3rd world economy model, and most network marketing compensation plans are structured to produce this result. We think this is seriously BAD so we designed this screening tool to help you find
companies where this is not the case.
So if you would like to avoid a company like this, and dramatically increase your odds of succeeding, study our screening points and apply them ruthlessly to every opportunity you are considering. And do it before you join! ;)
The best companies retain customers by giving them a totally unique, consumable product that WORKS....at a price they will be willing to pay LONG TERM. That's the key...in order to keep customers, we need to give them QUALITY with VALUE.
These same companies retain their part-time distributors through a compensation plan that rewards them for their efforts QUICKLY without these folks having to put up a lot of money.
The key to retention of distributors is simple...they need to make net profit in the first 3 months. That means a commission check to pay for ALL the related expenses. Expenses like long distance phone bills, product usage, inventory (if needed, and we don't recommend it!), sales aids, marketing and advertising, meetings, etc etc. Most companies make it WAY too difficult for the average person to make NET profit, and as a result, most people will quit in a few short months.
If you apply the screening principles listed below, you will be able to quickly identify businesses that are geared to solve this problem. As a result, you will reduce attrition and dramatically improve your probability for success.
1. Company is at least three years old. Five years old is even better.
2. Company is debt-free, or with a very low debt/asset ratio.
3. Company has a history of consistent expansion and sales volume growth.
4. Company is well capitalized and has the funding to sustain exponential growth.
5. The company has a high credit rating from Dun and Bradstreet and/or Standard and Poors.
6. Corporate management team has a proven, successful track record in the Network marketing industry, which is verifiable.
7. Company is forthright about who they are in the process of marketing their opportunity to others.
8. Management team is accountable to outside sources (Board of Dir., or dist. groups)
9. Company has a clean track record with your local Attorney General's office and is a member in good standing with the Better Business Bureau.
10. Company does not have an exclusivity clause in their distributor agreement.
11. Company has a written, clearly defined code of ethics with a track record of enforcement.
12. Reps are given direct access to the corporate managers.
13. Company products and/or services are both unique and consumable.
14. Company products and/or services have a compelling story line that sets them apart.
15. Retail products and services are priced by the company at fair market value.
16. Products and services are safe and in compliance with appropriate regulatory agencies like the FDA.
17. All products and services are protected by a minimum 30-day money-back guarantee.
18. The company demonstrates a financial commitment to their own primary research and development by consistently expanding or enhancing the product line.
19. Products and services have a track record of delivering the results for which they are intended.
20. Company offers a low-cost (or no-cost) entry fee to become a distributor.
21. The marketing plan is a Compressed Unilevel, paying out at least 60% on the first three levels to benefit the part-time distributors.
22. Marketing plan obligations are satisfied strictly through the personal consumption of the products or services.
23. Company products, services and business opportunity are truly beneficial for the last man in (requires high product value and a business opportunity based on consumption and not sponsoring).
24. The marketing plan provides at least 35% gross profit for the company.
25. Company has professional and courteous customer service and/or distributor relations departments on site.
26. Company commits significant resources for support systems such as conference calls, Internet technology, fax-on-demand systems, voice mail services, online ordering and geneology tracking, etc.
27. Sales aids and marketing materials are reasonably priced, or free.
28. Company must demonstrate that their first priority is to build a satisfied base of customers who will use the products month after month with or without pursuing the business.
29. Hotel meetings and training's are optional and preferably held no more than monthly.
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