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Take the meat and water from one young coconut
Fillet the jelly of a good chunk of aloe vera (approx. a 2x2 piece)
Add a little blue manna, spirulina, e3 live, goji powder and/or goodies of your choice.
A dash of agave nectar or sweetener if you like it sweet
1 cup of water
3 pieces of fruit - e.g. 1 orange, 1 apple, handful of grapes (or can be 3 oranges - whatever combination of fruit you like). -pineapple, peaches, pears, kiwi, berries, whatever is in season.
Any dark green leafy vegetable - cram as much as you like into the blende e.g. romaine lettuce, kale, swiss chard, spinach, etc. any combination thereof, or just any one of them. Just make sure you put LOTS of greens in. (Would be great if you can find wild edible greens to such as purslane, lambsquarters, etc.)
1/2 serving of Brendan Brazier’s Vega - the berry flavor is my favorite - mixes well with any fruit. I vary the fruit and greens daily
1/2 unfrozen banana
More frozen fruits (peaches, or strawberries, etc. but just the one flavor that you want dominant)
2 T. Cacoa nibs
Strawberry/Chocolate shake is especially fantastic.
I sweeten with dates or agave sometimes.
Half aloe leaf (big one) - skinned, scoop the insides out
1/2 c soaked gogi berries (increase to taste)
1 young coconut w/meat and juice (preferably non irradiated and organic)
Juice of 4 oranges
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Juice of 1/2 lime
Juice of 1 pomegranate (if in season) OR 8 whole strawberries (one or the other, please)
4 Lychee berries (if in season)
1 cup (brewed with boiling water for 30 min) tea of rosehips, damiana, sassafras, kola nut hibiscus, gardenia & roses, {chilled to room temp)
1 tbs of raw coconut oil (more or less depending on desire for fat content)
1 tbs fresh bee pollen (or more to preference)
1 tsp royal jelly (or more to preference)
1tsp white hawaiian honey
1 tsp -tbs dried noni powder or some fresh noni fruit if you happen to have it (optional to taste)
1 vanilla bean
8-13 drops of New Leaf Vanilla Creme flavored Stevia Extract
1 drop (JUST ONE) of really high quality edible Orange Blossom essential oil & Bergamot oil ( and Rose only if you couldn’t get that rose water part down) (For REALZ ONLY 1 DROP ! BLEND ON HI for 2 sets of 108 seconds. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint, strawberry slice
CHASER: Cup of above tea, warm, with 1 tbs (or more) organic KAVA KAVA root (powdered or extracted) with 5 capsules of 5 HTP, (or Gryphonia) and 1-2 tbs of MSM… THIS DRINK IS A POWERFUL APHRODESIAC
1C raw kefir
1C young coconut milk
1/4C cultured meat from one young coconut
2 raw eggs
1C frozen blueberries (or fresh chilled pineapple)
scoops unflavored low temp processed rice / whey protein (no added sweeteners)
Try adding Cayenne to your cacao smoothies.
1 cup coconut water
1/2 cup almonds soaked peeled
1 tbsp cacao powder
1/8 cup white raisins
1 capsule cayenne
pinch sea salt
A Raw Smoothie Recipe
1/2 bunch organic parsley
3/4 cup blueberries (or any fruit)
1/4" to 1/2" ginger root, sliced thin to cut up the “hairs”
One 1/4" slice of lemon, seeded, but with the peel
1/2 -3/4 cup water
Frozen organic cherries (1/2 cup to 1 cup - I happen to love them so I tend to add the larger amount)
Liquid of your choice (I use fresh made sesame milk, from the soaked seeds - it is LOADED with calcium)
1 or 2 teaspoons of raw cacao powder
Raw honey or vanilla flavored agave as sweetner a little maca (if you like maca, add a teaspoon. If you are not crazy about the taste, add 1/2 teaspoon)
I usually use a nut milk base without straining it in through a nut bag (I’m sometimes lazy) but you can strain it if you like.
Nut Milk
1/2 cup Brazil nuts
1/2 cup walnuts
3-5 dates
1 Vanilla bean stem
3-5 cups water
Maca powder
Coconut oil
Frozen (or fresh) Strawberries
Frozen (or fresh) blueberries
Gogi berries
The Key to the smoothie is the AMAZING nut milk which tastes great on its own and the Vanilla bean. I use these AMAZING Madagascar Vanilla beans from http://www.beanilla.com. The nut milk seriously tastes like a soft serve vanilla ice cream and adding the other stuff without straining it makes for a great smoothie with a creamy sort of base.
A bunch of Frozen Fruits (Strawberry, Cherry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, etc)
Hemp Seed
Cacao Powder or Nibs
Coconut Water or Filtered Water
1/2 Avocado
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 Head of Bok Choy
1/2 cantaloupe
1/2 bag of organic baby spinach
Add any superfoods on hand or drink it plain.
5 very ripe bananas
2-4 stalks celery
Blend bananas until smooth before adding celery. Thick, creamy, delicious!
2 or 3 large, very ripe bananas
2 or 3 large beet leaves large handful parsley
1 cup water tray of ice
3 cups filtered water
1 cup organic soy milk
1 large fresh mango (peeled)
1 cup frozen wild blueberries
1 apple (peeled and cored)
2 tsp. ground up flax seed
2 tsp. ground up sesame seed
1/4 cup Juice PLUS+ Complete protein/carbohydrate powder (plant based protein)
Blend on High in Vita-Mix for 30 seconds!!
Makes 7-8 cups (depending on the size of the fruit).
1 bunch spinach
2 cups cold water
1 mango, peeled and cut up
1 orange, peeled, whole
Blend well, then add 2 TB coconut oil
The additional of the coconut oil gives this smooth a wonderfully creamy quality.
2-3 tsp. flax seeds
2 tsp. raw sunflower seeds
4-6 raw Brazil nuts or 4-8 soaked raw almonds
1-2" square inch of fresh coconut
2-3 cups filtered water
1 large mango (peel & remove pit)
1/2 banana
small slice fresh ginger
1/3 cucumber or 2 celery stalks
3- 5 leaves from green leafy lettuce (endive, romaine) or 1-2 leaves of chard
Add the first five ingredients in a Vita-Mix or super blender and blend on high for 30 seconds. Next add all the remaining ingredients: peeled mango, banana, cucumber, greens, ginger and blend.
The result is a delicious and easy Energy Elixir.
1/2 banana (or substitute half an avacado but eliminate the flax oil)
4 oz. frozen acai
1/3 to 1/2 c. frozen mixed berries
1-2 T. cacao nibs
3-4 each raw almonds AND macadamia nuts
2 t. flax oil
1 t. chopped flax seeds
1 scoop Rainbow Light Food Based Protein Energizer (Rice Protein w/ spirulina, adaptogenic herbs and vegetable juice powder) or any protein preferably rice
6-10 oz. Rice milk (original flavor)
Chunks of ripe red papaya
Chunks of ripe honeydew
1 banana (frozen if possible)
spinach or other greens
about a cup of fresh-squeezed orange juice blend in blender or vitamix
1 large grapefruit, peeled, seeded and cut up
1 large bunch of parsley, well washed
1tbsp honey (or to taste)
alkaline water
Place the cut up grapefruit on the blades of the blender, then cut up into the container the large bunch of parsley, then add the honey to taste, then fill with 2 1/2-3 cups of alkaline water and blend.
1 large ripe mango chopped and frozen
1 or 2 frozen bananas
1 bunch/bag spinach
3 or 4 cups of water (depending on how thick or thin you like your smoothie)
2 - 3 cups of distilled/alkalinized/energized water (less if thicker is disired!)
3-5 ripe bananas frozen
2 cups of frozen berries(rasberries,blueberries,strawberries, ect)
1/2 avocado
1 tbsp of coconut oil
1 tbsp of spirulina/and or blue green algae
2 tbsp of barley grass powder
2 tbsp of rice bran powder (riceplex!)
If banannas are not ripe enough- add agave syrup and /or xylitol!!!
1 ripe Banana
20 Goji Berries (5 minutes soaked)
1 tbsp Maca
1 tbsp Cacao Nibs
I also like this combination with 1 tbsp Spirulina and 1 tbsp Chlorella instead of Cacao Nibs
2 oranges
1 big handful of strawberries (frozen or fresh)
1 small handful of un-sweetened cranberries (I use frozen)
1 heaping spoon of honey
1 tray of water ice cube
1 tablespoon hemp nut seeds
3 teaspoons of soaked golden flax seed
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 teaspoon of your favorite dried green supplement (ex. vitamineral greens)
1 teaspoon of cacao
1/2 teaspoon of maca
bunch of gogi berries
12 raw macadamia nuts
1.5-2 cups spring water
Blend and strain.
Add 1 frozen banana
You can drink it just like this at this point…it is great, or you can make one of the flavors below…
Add 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 tsp. Mt Capra Mineral Matrix
Add 4-5 strawberries
Add 1 tsp. of raw chocolate powder.
You can also substitute soaked almonds for the macadamia nuts.
1 handful spinach
1 apple, cored and chopped
1 banana, peeled and chopped
pinch nutmeg
*To prepare tea without using much heat, if any at all, place a mason jar with a cup of water on your counter. Place an organic green tea bag in it for 6 hours
8 ripe (purple) prickly pears, peeled
1½ cups water
3 ripe bananas
1 teaspoon raw agave nectar
Holding them with tongs, cut the ends off the prickly pears and slightly cut them lengthwise, not all the way through. Filet them like a fish and put the flesh in the blender. Do this 8 times. Add the water and blend. Pour the contents through a strainer into a bowl. Mash and swish the contents remaining in the strainer until you extract all the juice. Add this back into the blender with 3 bananas and sweetener of choice, I used agave nectar. Blend and enjoy!
1/2 Avocado (approx)
1 frozen Banana
small handful of raw almonds
5-7 dates (depending on how sweet you want it)
1 T Ground Flaxseed
11/2 - 2 cups liquid (Water or a nut or soya milk)
I thought the mania was over Green Smoothies. No?
I make mine starting with 1 piece of fruit, maybe 2 if I have something that really wants to be eaten that morning. Then I add greens–kale, spinach, parsley, mixed, chard, whatever, loosely packed in the blender. Then I add about 1/2 c. of any sort of sprouts I have going, and then about a tablespoon of spirulina or maca or cacao aand then, if I feel like it, a tablespoon of some fat — flax seed oil or coconut oil or tahini. If I’m looking forward to a day with a 50+mile bike ride, I include an avocado.
carrot juice
3 tbs. raw cream
frozen banana’s
blend till smooth and add a dash of nutmeg on top
almond milk
1 tbsp flax meal
3 tbsp raw carob powder
frozen bananas
1 tbsp of real maple syrup (optional)
cacao beans/nibs/powder
goji berries
soaked walnuts
flax seeds
ginger knuckle
chlorella or other green powder or E3live
pinch salt
fresh figs or soaked dried figs
soaked dates (amount depends on your sweet tooth)
cold mint tea (amount depends how thick u like it)
8-ish dark purple org. grapes
lots of org. frozen blueberries
a few big chunks of org. frozen bananas
a big spoon of raw almond butter
a splash of sambazon organic acai juice
a big glass of fiji water
2 capfuls of non-alcohol vanilla extract
whirl in the vitamix
5 or 6 large frozen strawberries
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp. raw agave nectar
1 cup cold water with tsp
“Mineral Pure” added (see source link)
1 scoop of “The Feast” (see source link)
1 scoop of “Beyond Berries” (see source link)
source: http://www.urilife.com/rawfoodnut/products.html
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