![]() | © Holly Wheeler Enterprises |
I moved three years ago to the tiny town of Paonia, Colorado after thirty years in Boulder, Colorado where I, as a Clinical Nutritionist, opened one of the first alternative clinics in Colorado, Boulder Body Chemistry, in the early 80's. The adage "you teach what you need to learn" was certainly true for me. As a teenager and super athlete I was put on antibiotics for ten years as a preventive measure against acne. It totally destroyed my immune system and left me exhausted with raging yeast infections and three more years on Sulfa antibiotics. My allergies were so severe that there were days when the only refuge was to submerge myself in a bath tub and breathe through a wet washcloth.
I dreaded the spring when the pollen would come. Often I had to wear long pants and shirt and still take two or three showers on a bad day to clean the pollen off my skin. I felt like a shut-in, having to keep the windows and doors closed with an air filter in every room.
I have spent most of my life dealing with doctors and their endless diagnoses' including: Auto Immune, Chronic Fatigue, food and air born allergies, Epstein Barr, Hypoglycemia, Familia Nutrapenia , Amebas, Parasites and Candita Albacans . Medical recommendations included: Testosterone, to raise my white blood count and surgery, to remove polyps. Neither of which I opted to do.
I was so tired of trying to figure out what was wrong. My life revolved around getting; weekly testing for a tackle box full of vitamins and expensive shots from Germany by my Kinesiologist , being a pin cushion and boiling up herbs by my Chinese doctor, getting my mercury fillings replaced by my dentist, getting catheterized by my Gynecologist, getting food tested by one Chiropractor and adjusted by another, pouring out my heart to a Psychiatrist (because, of course, it was all in my head!! Not!) and trying to hold down the clinic.
It was a Jeckle and Hyde existence. Clearly, I was losing ground so I did what I had to do. I closed my practice and turned my own bedroom and 2 guest rooms into a 3 room Bed and Breakfast which allowed me to be able to sleep. I insulated my 8x10 garden shed and moved in. More often than not, I often communicated with notes and there were many guests I never met.
Then four years ago a blessing in disguise showed up as a new neighbor who forced me to close 'Holly's House' which resulted in my moving to Paonia and in my mind I thought "To live out my days." I was only fifty!
The Bed and Breakfast was my last hope of supporting myself in Boulder with my unusual need for sleep. My medical bills had escalated between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars a year and I came to the frightening realization that I had to seriously downsize and move to some place I could afford. It was terrifying to leave my friends and medical support team behind but I had simply run out of both money and energy and my house was my last asset.
My dream has always been to live on the ocean and yet some "Force" was already at 'play' as I ended up trying to buy THE SAME HOUSE as Paul Devlin, my now One Star Diamond upline . I couldn't figure out why I was moving to Paonia. I didn't know a soul and I was still a thousand miles from the ocean. We both moved to Paonia within five weeks of each other. Coincidence?
I ended up buying the house right next door to Paul and it was he who found Life Force which ultimately ended up giving me my life back.
Body Balance was a miracle to my body. It was like waking up. I kept expecting to crash and didn't. Week by week my health improved. I didn't need naps any more and was going to bed later and later - even midnight ! I didn't get sick last winter and I haven't been sick since. Brain fog left and my memory returned. When spring came my allergies didn't. I can now wear shorts and tee shirts in the spring and leave the doors open. I even went skiing last winter and had an opportunity to dance a time or two and wasn't wasted the next day. I feel I've been given a whole new body and a whole new life. I'm so grateful.
After six weeks on Body Balance I went back to Boulder to visit my god daughter and friends. All of whom could not believe the difference and the rest is history....
I have had access to every professional line of supplements in my private practice in Boulder and taken and done everything that money could buy for myself, I can honestly say I have never seen results like what I have witnessed with the Life Force products. With my professional background, seeing thousands of patients at my clinic over seven years , I have had the privilege of observing first hand what does and doesn't work. Also, having struggled with my own health for twenty-five years, Body Balance had the one thing I never knew about or had access to, the rare earth minerals. My body was malfunctioning because it was starved for those minerals. It was the one thing missing.
Over the last two years I have learned how to use Life Force products and there isn't a symptom or imbalance in dealing with hundreds of people (including headaches vs. immune system related problems, fatigue issues and joint pain) that I haven't seen dramatically improve if not become symptom free especially when used with nutritional common sense. I am now recommending my nutritional bible, "Dining in the Raw" by Rita Romano as a guide that addresses the importance of enzymes found in True Greens and Body Balance and supports vegetable proteins, like the ones in Amino Charge, and explains the importance of having an alkaline system like what Body Balance, True Greens and OsteoProCare provide.
It's the stories of peoples lives being turned around that I hear daily that melt my heart.
I feel like I'm carrying around a health and wealth gold mine and all I have to do is open my mouth and ask a question and it might just change somebody's life forever like Paul changed mine.
How could there be anything more rewarding than to offer people the chance to feel better and in some cases to regain their health and get their life back. And if that weren't enough, to turn around again and teach them how to be free and to live a life that most people can only dream about. Even corporate CEO's who earn six and even seven figure incomes can't have what I've been given in less two years – freedom. It's absolutely mind boggling to me that in less than two years I am well and earning a six figure income myself and am free to do what I love to do - which just happens to be Life Force. I couldn't have dreamed this one up. I feel like my whole life has prepared me for Life Force. Coincidence?
Thank you Kai, Michael and Christa, Barry, and Paul for not giving up on me, watching over me and being the MOST AWESOME mentors. Thank you everyone at Life Force for providing the products and means for me to have my health back and now the security and freedom to finally be able to start LIVING my life.
And then of course, the fun and love and new friends I have made in this unexpected blessing. The quality of people who are being drawn to my Life Force team have become family to me.
And the most important thank you is to you Gerry for leading the way, and you Wayne for loving her so much that you went to the ends of the earth to find a cure. We are all so blessed by your commitment, warmth and love. Thank you from every last one of my cells and in advance for all the people whose lives are still to be touched by Life Force.
With Love and Gratitude,
Daily Inspiration |
How to takeBody Balance |
Holly Wheeler's |