Additional Training
Additional 10 Step Training
- You need 1 hour of uninterrupted time to do this.
- Think like the new person. It can't be about you!
- Remember, it's all how you hold it. You are creating the environment.
- The new person can do the business right away, with no knowledge of products.
- Everything has to be duplicatable & standard.
- 20 minutes on step 1. Help them create an emotionally compelling picture here. The first 2 goals should be immediate needs & reachable within the first year. Goals 3 & 4 should be just for them. The 5 th goal should be philanthropic.
- Ask them if their current work will get them to their goals.
- “Remember your dreams when the going gets tough”. (for the new person)
- Great script for step 2 – “In order for me to support you I really need you to commit for 12 months so you can see that this is a viable business proposition.
This is also about me making a commitment to you and being willing to invest my time with you, so I need to know you are committed to investing your own time.”
- Completely fill out business plan with them (step 4). Make sure the work time allotted equals the income goals. Make sure evenings (5-9pm) & weekends are the main focus
- This is for hot & warm market - not cold market
- This is the time to be truthful, not a time to be a savior for someone who is really not positioned correctly to do the business
- Build locally! It works much better. Your upline will have a difficult time showing the plan to someone 1000 miles away. Using the phone is an option however!
- Step 10 – If you enroll 3 people in the 1 st month, your initial investment of the 8 pack of Body Balance will be paid for by the Fast Start Bonus.